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CLAYFIX clay paint

CLAYFIX clay paint

Art.-Nr.: 19.…** Bucket

Art.-Nr.: 19.…** Bag

Clay paint without and with grain for smooth surfaces indoors. CLAYFIX clay paint clay finish made easy. It is available in 146 earth tones that match the YOSIMA color palette (usually lighter). We offer fine grain and coarse grain as texture aggregates. The coating is of high building biology quality, free of solvents and breathable. The dry mass is mixed with water only, the application is carried out on all brushable surfaces in a cross stroke with a surface brush, brush or tassel. CLAYFIX clay paint can also be sprayed very well.


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CLAYFIX clay paint

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CLAYFIX clay paint

Product information

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Product and application
Clay paint according to DVL TM 06. for interior design (not in splash water areas).

Colored clays and loams, talc, chalk, gum arabic, saponin, cellulose fibers, methyl cellulose < 1%(water-solublestabilization). Structural aggregates marble sand 0-0.5 mm (fine grain), marble sand 0.5-1 mm (coarse grain). Coloration by the aluminas, no other color additives.

Clay paint fine grain (previously roll plaster) JADE-GREEN: 1.2 Abrasion 0.07 g (permissible 0.20 g), wet abrasion class 5 according to DIN EN 13300.


10 kg oval ceiling bucket, 32 buckets/pal. 1.5 kg small containers (bags).

10 kg for approx. 60 m2 (1.5 kg for approx. 9 m2) in one coat on surfaces with primer WHITE. For approx. 50 m2 when applied twice. On light-colored substrates with good absorbency, one coat is usually sufficient. Depending on the substrate and color requirements, two coats may be necessary. The coverage generally depends on the substrate and the tools used.

Dry cool storage possible for an unlimited period.

CLAYFIX clay paint


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CLAYFIX clay paint

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