Clay undercoat plaster with straw
Art.-Nr.: 05.002
Art.-Nr.: 10.110
Art.-Nr.: 05.001
Art.-Nr.: 05.201
Single-layer or multi-layer undercoat plaster for interior use. Clay undercoat plaster with straw has been the classic for thick layers for 30 years, e.g. on uneven masonry, for wall surface heating or monument renovation. Up to 35 mm can be applied in one operation. The material has excellent workability, adheres overhead, is suitable for slot filling and much more. Clay underplaster with straw is the basis for all coarse and fine ClayTec clay finishing plasters.
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Clay undercoat plaster with straw
Clay undercoat plaster with straw
Product information
Single or multi-layer undercoat plaster in interior areas. Hand or machine plastering. For monument renovation, on masonry and solid building materials, for Wandflächenheizungen, on reeds, etc.
Natural building clay up to 5 mm, mixed-grain washed sand 0-2 mm.
Grain group, oversize according to DIN 0/4, < 8 mm. Barley straw fibers up to 30 mm.
Building material values
Drying shrinkage 2%. Strength class S II. Flexural strength 0.7 N/mm2. Compressive strength 1.5 N/mm2. Adhesive strength 0.10 N/mm2. Bulk density class 1.8. Thermal conductivity 0.91 W/m∙K. µ-value 5/10. Building material class A1. Water vapor adsorption class WS III. Microbial quality class MBKIIb (earth-moist), MBKIb (dry).
Delivery forms, yield
Earth Moist 05.001 in 1.0 t Big-Bags
(results in 600 l plaster mortar, 40 m2 surface at D= 1.5 cm. Approx. 1.67 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness).
Earth Moist 05.201 in 0.5 t big bags
(results in 300 l plaster mortar, 20 m2 area at D= 1.5 cm. Approx. 1.67 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness).
Dry 05.002 in 1.0 t Big-Bags
(adds 625 l plaster mortar, 42 m2 area at D= 1.5 cm. Approx. 1.60 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness).
Dry 10.110 in 25 kg bags
(add. 16.7 l plaster mortar, 1.1 m2 area at D= 1.5 cm. Approx. 1.50 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness), 48 bags/pallet
Store in dry conditions. Earth-moist clay base plaster should be used no later than 3 months after production, in case of dry goods storage is unlimited.
Earth-moist product must be stored protected from freezing through in winter, otherwise workability will be impaired during frost.
Status: 05/2024