If you are interested in collaboration or need assistance for a social project, please feel free to contact us.
University collaborations
Solar Decathlon 21/22
The Solar Decathlon is a decathlon that awards winners in various categories, ranging from architecture, building technology, and building physics to energy performance and feasibility. Based on real existing neighborhoods, participants conceptualize, plan, and build sustainable homes for a climate-friendly future. ClayTec had the privilege of supporting six of the participating teams in conceiving innovative ideas for the cities of tomorrow. Five German teams and one Swedish team opted to use highly resource-efficient, climate-neutral, and circular clay building materials from ClayTec.
In a final ceremony, an overall winner is also selected. This year, the winner was Team RoofKIT from Karlsruhe. Using the example of Café Ada in Wuppertal, the team demonstrated how previously unused urban space resources can be meaningfully utilized—in this case, the roof areas. The two-story Café Ada was complemented with three additional floors. The transition between the existing structure and the new construction is marked by the “Urban Gap,” a multifunctional, publicly usable dance hall, followed by two residential floors in modular lightweight construction. To implement the concept, exclusively sustainable materials were used, including the ecological clay building materials from ClayTec.

University collaborations
Sampling of University Projects
ClayTec assists project teams in the development of numerous spaces by providing environmentally friendly, circular, and pollutant-free clay building materials. An example is Sample Room #05 at Schloss Wiehe, where students from the Faculty of Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Applied Sciences Erfurt had the opportunity to develop concepts, execution plans, and schedules for the sample room as part of their Bachelor’s thesis.
Other sample construction projects supported by ClayTec include the clay pavilion from the practical seminar “Experimenting – Constructing – Building” at the Chair of Building Theory and Design, RWTH Aachen University, led by Bernadette Heiermann, as well as samples for the material archive of the Technical University of Dortmund, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
The “Design.Build Project,” a study format at the University of Kaiserslautern, received support from ClayTec with 11 tons of ClayTec rammed earth, processed in the “Pisé technique.” The students took on the challenge of revitalizing and redesigning the Jean-Schön Park on the university campus. A clay sculpture with seating was intended to invite people to linger on the green area of the park.

University collaborations
Research projects with Fontys University of Applied Science
Students from various business science programs at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Venlo, Netherlands, engage in the “Cross Lab” project in 2021, 2022, and 2023. During this project, they explore optimization proposals for medium-sized companies. Real case studies from ClayTec have been examined, addressing topics such as sustainability in supply chains.