Further training, teaching, development
Craftsman training
Building tradespeople are the key players in the distribution of earth building materials on the market. Sound knowledge of the trade is crucial in order to create high-quality and sustainable buildings.
We are committed to the further training of bricklayers, carpenters, plasterers and painters. We, represented by technical manager Ulrich Röhlen and technician Stefan Funkenberg, work as speakers and examiners in the “Fachkraft Lehmbau” format of the Dachverband Lehm e.V., which is recognized under trade law, to disseminate knowledge and skills in earth building. We are regular guests at the “Competence Center for Finishing and Facades” of the Baden-Württemberg Plasterers’ Association and many other supra-regional training centers of the trade.
By focusing our events on content that is important for tradespeople, such as the economic aspects of execution and working with plastering machines, we help tradespeople to acquire practical skills that they can apply in their everyday work. The inclusion of a practical component in all events is a matter of course. Overall, we see our commitment to training craftsmen in earth building as an important contribution to promoting sustainable building practices and strengthening the skills of craftsmen in this field.
Your benefit: In-depth knowledge for the craftsman – best results for the customer

Further training, teaching, development
University teaching
At universities of architecture and civil engineering, the content of today’s teaching determines the building of tomorrow. For some years now, we have been pleased to see a sharp rise in interest in sustainability and earth building among budding young planners. We at ClayTec are increasingly being asked to contribute our expertise to academic training.
We are happy to comply and see this as an important contribution to the further development of earth building and its integration into modern architecture and construction. We fulfill requests of all kinds, ranging from keynote speeches and regular lectures to the supervision of entire project weeks. We are happy to help you find and formulate tasks for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses. Our head of technology Ulrich Röhlen teaches as a lecturer and proofreader. We continue to participate in special research on earth building and work closely with chairs and professors. The “Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22” was a particularly good flagship project.
By passing on our knowledge and experience to the next generation of planners, we want to help ensure that earth building and sustainability and earth construction become important components of future building and architectural practice.
Your benefit: Topicality and future orientation from the pool of ideas of young architects and engineers.

Further training, teaching, development
Funding projects
ClayTec’s involvement in research and development projects in the field of clay construction and sustainability is an important example of the participation of SMEs (= small and medium-sized enterprises) as partners in publicly funded research projects. The ability to react quickly and the practical relevance of SMEs are of great benefit in accelerating the transfer of research results to industry and the market.
ClayTec participates in projects on product and application innovations, the deepening of building physics knowledge, the preservation of cultural value and regional structural developments. By collaborating with research institutions and universities, medium-sized companies such as ClayTec can expand and deepen their knowledge and skills. On the other hand, practical relevance and a focus on feasibility are sought-after corrective factors.
Overall, publicly funded research and development projects are an important way of strengthening ClayTec’s innovative power. By collaborating with research institutions and other companies, we can develop new ideas and technologies and expand our network at the same time. By contributing our knowledge and experience to research projects, we contribute directly to the further development of clay construction.