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Stainless Steel Mesh Plaster Lath

Stainless Steel Mesh Plaster Lath

Art.-Nr.: 35.100

Plaster lath for severely weathered timber-frame infill sections. Stainless steel mesh plaster lath is rustprrof and specially formed. The recesses allow the necessary distance to be kept from the plaster base. It is fastened with facade screws. With unusually weathered and exposed timber-frame constructions, it offers additional security for ensuring that lime render stays attached.

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Stainless Steel Mesh Plaster Lath

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Stainless Steel Mesh Plaster Lath

Product information

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Field of application
Plaster lath for lime renders on clay or other infills of half-timbered facades exposed to above-average weathering.

Stainless steel wire mesh welded, wire thickness 1 mm, mesh size 16×16 mm, cranked approx. 10 mm deep in a grid of 100 mm. Offsets for better adaptation to sloping infill surfaces.

Delivery form
Rolls. Width 1 m, length 5 m. Screws packed per 100 pcs.

Status: 02/2021

Stainless Steel Mesh Plaster Lath


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+49 2153 918 0
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