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Clay topcoat fine 06

Clay topcoat fine 06

Art.-Nr.: 05.113

Art.-Nr.: 10.113

ClayTec Clay Top Coat fine 06 has all the advantages of clay mortars that are reinforced with long fibers. It is easy to prepare and very easy to apply without fiber concentrations in the mixer and during application. The clay top coat fine 06 is very pasty and smooth. Its fine grain gradation up to 0.6 mm makes it easy to drag out the material very thin and work out the surface very fine. Clay top coat fine 06 is a mortar for thin plasters 2-3 mm thick. Available also in 800 kg big-bag with large reach.

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ZertifikatDIN 18945-47
ZertifikatECO-INSTITUT schadstoff- und emissionsgeprüft
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Clay topcoat fine 06

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Clay topcoat fine 06

Product information

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Single-layer topcoat plaster for interior use. Manual or machine plaster on ClayTec clay basecoat plaster, clay building boards and other sufficiently flat surfaces made of suitable building materials.

Natural construction clay, mixed grain washed sand 0 – 0.6 mm, fine fibres. Grain group, oversize grain according to DIN 0/1, <2 mm. Fibres: Cellulose fibres.

Building material values
Drying shrinkage 4.0%. Strength class S II. Bending tensile strength 0.9 N/mm². Compressive strength 2.5 N/mm². Adhesive strength 0.10 N/mm². Abrasion 0.4 g. Gross density class 1.8. Thermal conductivity 0.91 W/m∙K. µ-value 5/10. Building material class A1. Water vapor adsorption class WS III. Microbial quality class MBKIb (dry).

Delivery form, coverage
Dry 05.113 in 0.8 T big-bags (yields 544 l plaster for 182 m2 D = 3 mm. Approx. 1.47 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness).
Dry 10.113 in 25 kg bags (yields 17 l plaster for 5.7 m2 D = 3 mm. Approx. 1.47 kg/m2 per mm plaster thickness.), 48 bags/pallet.

Can be stored dry for an indefinite period.

Status: 05/2024

Clay topcoat fine 06


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Clay topcoat fine 06

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