Associations, standards, knowledge
ClayTec is not only active in the production of earth building materials, but is also involved in associations and organizations that support the spread of sustainable construction methods using earth building materials.
ClayTec is a founding member of the “Dachverband Lehm e.V., Weimar” (DVL). The Dachverband Lehm was founded in 1992 with the aim of promoting clay as a sustainable building material. Today, the DVL is the internationally recognized contact for earth building in Germany. This status is based, among other things, on its work on the normative and regulatory foundations of earth building, such as the “Lehmbau Regeln” and the DIN standards, as well as on the further training course “Fachkraft Lehmbau“, which is recognized under trade law. ClayTec Technical Director Ulrich Röhlen has been a member of the Board of Directors for over two decades. The “Industrieverband Lehmbaustoffe” was founded in Berlin in mid-November 2022. ClayTec is also a founding member here. The companies united in the association have set themselves the goal of representing the interests of the medium-sized clay building materials industry, promoting the technical development of unfired clay building materials and their production and supporting the process of building authority approvals. The chairman of the board is ClayTec authorized signatory Maximilian Breidenbach.
ClayTec is a member of other trade associations and organizations:
Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen VDB e.V.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Fachwerkstädte
Rheinischer Verein
Fachverband Innendämmung
Alte Ziegelei Westregeln
Jugendbauhütten – Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz
Datenbank “Handwerksbetriebe für Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege”
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
B.A.U.M. e.V. – Netzwerk für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften

Associations, standards, knowledge
In our early days at the beginning of the 1980s, earth building was at the level of the post-war period in terms of standardization and proof of usability. When the state building ministries identified a need for regulation in the mid-1990s, the still young umbrella organization Lehm e.V. (DVL) decided to develop a contemporary regulation. ClayTec supported this by, among other things, organizing the LEHM 97 in Viersen, where the presentation of the new “Lehmbau Regeln” was an important item on the agenda.
When the DVL decided to formulate DIN standards for important earth building materials, ClayTec contributed financially and technically to the preparatory work. ClayTec Technical Manager Ulrich Röhlen has been deputy chairman of the DIN Earth Building Standards Committee since its inception. The first DIN standards for earth building materials were published in 2013, and a total of seven standards have been published to date. The new DIN 18940 standard on load-bearing construction with earth block masonry is particularly ground-breaking. Through its work in various other committees, ClayTec has also helped to establish earth building in other areas of standardization (plastering, VOB).
The integration into the German Building Standards Association is an important contribution to making earth building in Germany fit for the future; the standardization work is a direct promotion of earth building.
Your benefit: In-depth knowledge of normative issues, help even in difficult building law situations, legally compliant answers.

Associations, standards, knowledge
Standard works of technical literature
The “Lehmbau Regeln” are the central set of general rules for earth building in Germany, some of which have been introduced by the building authorities. They clarify terms and describe earth building materials and their use for earth building components. The authors are the architect Franz Volhard and ClayTec Technical Manager Ulrich Röhlen. Through him, ClayTec was directly involved in all revisions of this central set of rules, right up to the upcoming current revision in 2023.
The book “Lehmbau Praxis” published by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN Beuth) is a standard work for planners and leading craftsmen. The authors Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert and Ulrich Röhlen provide a comprehensive overview of all aspects of practical earth building. The experiences of the craft company “Lehmbau Breidenbach” are incorporated into the work, as is the knowledge of ClayTec and the work on DIN and the associations. “Lehmbau Praxis” is the in-depth practical and technical background for the application of ClayTec earth building materials.
Your benefit: Background and in-depth knowledge for construction site practice