Company history
The history of ClayTec began in the 1970s. Peter Breidenbach comes from a family of architects with a strong connection to the traditional building trade. His parents worked primarily in the field of heritage conservation, and in 1975 they began privately restoring a half-timbered farmhouse dating back to 1661. At that time, building with natural building materials, which were also suitable for listed buildings, was not yet the order of the day. The era of unrestricted faith in progress continued. After 1945, the construction industry had experienced a profound surge in industrialization. Building methods based on craftsmanship were ridiculed. From the perspective of half-timbered house renovation, however, traditional building materials in no way appeared to be backward. In 1978, the first attempts to process clay for infill and plastering began at the Tho Rieth Hof in Viersen. The first experiences in clay construction date back to this time. Peter Breidenbach was 15 years old, his school friend Ulrich Röhlen a few years older.

Social responsibility
ClayTec Clay Building Materials, as an internationally operating company, is always aware of its social responsibility. Therefore, ClayTec is involved in various social projects, providing support through both financial contributions and personnel resources. From assistance in disaster situations to the support of sustainable projects in developing countries, ClayTec’s aid program encompasses a wide range of initiatives.

Associations, standards, knowledge
When Lehmbau Breidenbach began building with earth in 1984, knowledge and expertise were at the level of the immediate post-war period. Since standardization in 1951, earth building in West Germany had come to a standstill. Other building materials had been extensively developed since then. From the very beginning, the company’s aim was to take earth out of the niche of singular applications by craftsmen and private builders and integrate it into the structures of today’s construction industry.

Further training, teaching, development
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The way we currently use energy, raw materials and land will determine how this generation, and above all future generations, will live in the years to come. There is an urgent need for action to optimize existing structures and create awareness for the use of resources, and sustainable construction and renovation is crucial here. With our commitment to training craftsmen in earth building and supporting universities and students with advice and expertise, as well as our own ecological earth building materials, ClayTec makes an important contribution to promoting sustainable building practices and strengthening the skills of craftsmen in this field.
If you are interested in working with us or need help with a study project, please contact us.