Careful attention was paid to ecological quality when selecting the materials. Clayfix (now YOSIMA) was chosen for the wall design. A total of approx. 6500 m² was plastered with a mixture of pure white fine plaster (now YOSIMA WE 0) and Ambiente flash (WE 0 with Flash aggregate). The large contiguous areas in the entrance foyer with its large glass fronts are particularly impressive.
The rubbed Clayfix surface creates soft, flowing shadows in grazing light that could not be achieved with any paint or other filling techniques. There are some tricky technical details, such as the coating of the round columns. These and other hurdles were mastered brilliantly by the workshop and painting company C. Kapser. The company is based near Wilhelmshaven and had won the client’s trust with two previous projects. The 5 plastered surfaces were produced with just eight employees.