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Expanded clay

Expanded clay

Art.-Nr.: 03.040

Expanded clay is installed wet for interior shells in pouring technique, for example, if the exterior walls have large projections and recesses on the inside or if installations are to be installed. Expanded clay dries faster and is not combustible.

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Expanded clay

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Expanded clay

Product information

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Field of application
Light clay for interior insulating facing shells for timber framed houses and other historical buildings.

Natural building clay, expanded clay granules 4-16 mm

Material values
Dry bulk density at usual installation 700 kg/m3 (thermal conductivity 0.21 W/mK, µ 5/10), building material class A1

Supply forms
Ready for processing in 1.0 t big bags

Protect from drying out or moisture penetration due to weathering.

Status: 02/2021

Expanded clay


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+49 2153 918 0
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