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Building clay

Building clay

Base material for individual mixtures and producing clay timber struts.
Building clay is intended as a basic material for craftsmen experienced in clay construction. Mixing ratios depend on the intended use and the aggregates. Formulations are to be developed individually.

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Building clay

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Building clay

Product information

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Field of application
Binder for clay mortar, dry earth filling materials, straw clay, light clays etc. Base material for individual mixtures and producing clay timber struts.

Natural building clay with a fine-sandy mineral structure

Cohesion tested according to 2.4.3 of the “Clay building rules” of the Dachverband Lehm (German clay construction trade association)

Supply forms
Earth-moist 01.003 in 1.0 t Big Bags with grain sizes up to 5 mm
Dry, ground 01.002 in 10 t big bags with grain sizes up to 0.5 mm
Dry, ground 10.101 in 25 kg bags, 48 bags/pal. with grain sizes up to 0.5 mm in 25 kg bags, 48 bags/pal.

Protect earth-moist products against dehydration (clumping together) or humidification by weather. Apart from changes in consistency, can be stored for an unlimited period.

Status: 02/2021

Building clay


Product sheet
+49 2153 918 0
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