Association work
Industrieverband Lehmbaustoffe
The Clay Building Materials Industry Association was founded in Berlin in mid-November 2022. The founding members include the companies ClayTec, Hart Keramik and Lehmorange (Leipfinger-Bader Group), which specialize in clay building materials.
The purpose and task of the association is to represent and consistently promote the common interests of the medium-sized clay building materials industry and to advance scientific research. In particular, the technical development will be strengthened in the future, the updating of DIN standards will be supported and building inspectorate certificates of use will be promoted. In this context, the association acts as a mouthpiece for companies that manufacture industrially produced earth building materials or sell industrially produced earth building materials under their own name.

Association work
Dachverband Lehm
The Dachverband Lehm e.V., Weimar (DVL) was founded in Kiel in 1992. Interested institutions and individuals joined forces to promote earth building. In addition to information and international networking, the main tasks of the association include professional training in earth building and the development of binding regulations and standards.
ClayTec is a founding member of the DVL. The company supports the association through its work on the board. This includes, in particular, the development of a concept for the clay construction specialist qualification. It can be completed by trained building craftsmen or experienced clay builders. After passing the examination, it is possible to have the qualification recognized by the local Chamber of Crafts. This allows an entry to be made in the trades register and a company to be founded. ClayTec is also significantly represented in the DVL’s other core project, standardization. The architect and earth building pioneer Franz Volhard wrote the text of the first earth building rules together with Ulrich Röhlen, the technical director of ClayTec, in 1996. In 1998, it was included in the model list of technical building regulations by the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBT). In September 2011, the DVL was the initiator of the working committee NA 005-06-08 AA “Earthen Building” at the German Institute for Standardization (DIN). Under the leadership of Christof Ziegert and Ulrich Röhlen, the committee developed product and test standards for clay bricks, clay masonry mortar, clay plaster mortar and clay panels.

Association work
Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen
ClayTec has been a member of the Berufsverband Deutscher Baubiologen e.V. (VDB) since 2008. The VDB is, among other things, a platform for professional exchange on health aspects of building. ClayTec attaches great importance to knowing and taking into account current developments in building biology. Together with members of the VDB, important studies on the effects of clay building materials have also been carried out.

Association work
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege
The Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege e.V. (WTA) is an international association of scientists, architects and monument conservators. It has set itself the goal of promoting research and its practical application in the field of building conservation and monument preservation. One of its primary tasks is to process practical experience and make it usable in order to accelerate the application of new findings and modern technologies. The WTA technical bulletins, in which this know-how flows together, can be regarded as generally recognized rules of technology. ClayTec is a member of the WTA and supports this work, for example on timber frame renovation in Section 8 – Timber Frame and Timber Structures.
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege e.V. (WTA).

Association work
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Fachwerkstädte
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Fachwerkstädte e.V. (ADF) is a lobby for half-timbered houses and a service organization for member towns. The ADF’s tasks include exchanging experiences and advising on measures to preserve half-timbered buildings, in particular further training, raising awareness of half-timbered buildings and initiatives for financial and tax incentives. Around 130 towns from the North Sea to Lake Constance are involved in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Fachwerkstädte e.V. ClayTec is committed to the ideal goal of preserving the German half-timbered landscape and supports the ADF as one of the few sponsoring companies.

Association work
Rheinischer Verein
Since 1906, the Rheinische Verein has been working for the preservation of monuments and the protection of the cultural landscape in an area that extends beyond North Rhine-Westphalia to the former Prussian Rhine Province. It is the authoritative voice for the interests of monument preservation in the region. ClayTec has always been rooted in the preservation of historical monuments. We always see a special responsibility in the local area, here in the region of the original focus of our company’s activities in the Rhineland.

Association work
Natureplus is an international association for sustainable building and living. Globally, the construction and housing sector consumes approximately 40% of resources and about 50% of primary energy in Europe. We spend more than 90% of our lifetime on average in enclosed, increasingly airtight buildings. The quality of building products thus has a significant impact on the environment and our health. As a founding member, ClayTec, specializing in clay-based building materials, supports the goals of the association and its work.

Association work
Fachverband Innendämmung
The FVID – Fachverband Innendämmung e.V. (Association for Interior Insulation) – was founded in 2011 in Frankfurt am Main. The association and its members work towards the long-term quality assurance of interior insulation system structures, aiming to adhere to widely recognized standards. To enhance the energy efficiency of buildings and reduce heat losses, it will increasingly be necessary in the future to retrofit insulation, particularly on the outer walls of buildings. In cases where external insulation is not possible, such as with timber-framed houses and historical monuments, consideration must inevitably be given to interior insulation. Since the 1980s, ClayTec has been developing interior insulations using clay, and we are pleased to contribute our theoretical and practical expertise to the work of the association.
Association work
The Association of Plasterers for Interior and Exterior Finishes in Baden-Württemberg (SAF) serves as the umbrella organization for the 35 plasterer guilds in Baden-Württemberg, representing approximately 1,000 plastering companies with over 7,000 employees. ClayTec feels a strong connection to the association not only due to its proximity to the plastering trade but also values the impressive and sustainable activities of the organization and its individual members. For many years, ClayTec has been hosting seminars at the Rutesheim location. We particularly enjoy sponsoring a guest room in the new industry and conference center, adorning it with ClayTec clay surfaces.

Association work
Alte Ziegelei Westeregeln
The Alte Ziegelei Westeregeln with its gypsum mill is located in the Salzlandkreis on the northwestern outskirts of Westeregeln in Saxony-Anhalt. In collaboration with the Association of Friends and Supporters of the Brickworks and Gypsum Mills Westeregeln e.V., supported by the municipality of Westeregeln, the Bielefeld Social Stock Company, the Staßfurt Employment Agency, and private sponsors, there has been an effort since the mid-1990s to protect, preserve, and scientifically explore the industrial cultural heritage at this site. With our ClayTec production site in Egeln, as a manufacturer of clay building materials, we are not only committed to supporting and securing the location. It is also of special importance for ClayTec to promote the industrial culture of brickworks. The shared building material, clay, which is often used for firing bricks, makes this partnership a heartfelt project.

Association work
Jugendbauhütten - Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz
The Jugendbauhütten Workshops are a project of the German Foundation for Monument Protection (Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz) and provide young people aged 16 to 26 the opportunity to discover Germany’s cultural heritage. Within the framework of a voluntary social year, participants can learn and apply the skills of traditional crafts. The Youth Building Workshops have various locations throughout Germany, offering everyone the chance to actively experience history.

Association work
Database "Handwerksbetriebe für Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege"
For those seeking particularly qualified artisanal restoration companies, they can be found through the database “Handwerkbetriebe für die Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege” (Craft Businesses for Restoration and Monument Preservation). This database is maintained by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (Fraunhofer IRB) in cooperation with the Central Association of German Crafts (ZDH) and the Chambers of Crafts, and it is overseen by an advisory board consisting of relevant stakeholders in cultural heritage preservation. Users can conduct searches based on the type of craft, region, and use full-text search to find restoration companies specializing in specific areas.
Datenbank “Handwerksbetriebe für Restaurierung und Denkmalpflege”

Association work
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen
The work of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen – DGNB e.V. aims to create sustainable living spaces for the future. The association serves as the central platform for all those interested in and committed to sustainable building. DGNB e.V. seeks to promote and normalize economic foresight, environmental and climate protection, and quality of life through its standards.