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Application technology

User friendly processing

ClayTec clay building materials are very easy to work with. For professionals and private builders, there are several plastering machine manufacturers tested by ClayTec that offer their equipment for large-scale and fast work. Are you interested in heating with clay building materials? In the category wall surface heating, we show you the advantages you will have with ClayTec products. You can find out more with our application videos and webinars.


We are happy to provide you with our catalogs, brochures and product information as PDF files for download. Get information and helpful tips on our sustainable clay building materials.

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Download von CLAYTEC Produktblätter, alle Informationen rund um nachhaltige Lehmbaustoffe.

Machine technology

Clay plasters can be applied by machine. Professional craftsmen apply our clay plasters using a plastering machine. We have tested the most important brands for you. On this page you will find the plastering machine manufacturers who have carried out processing tests with us. Note: Plastering machines are special construction equipment for trained builders. Appropriate specialist knowledge is assumed both during consultation and during subsequent use.

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Surface heating

Two different systems are available for surface heating: water-based heating and cooling systems or electric-based heating systems. Both systems can be ideally installed or plastered with ClayTec clay plaster mortars. The heat dissipation is very good, and due to the specific hardening behavior of clay plaster, the systems are also particularly fault-tolerant: on exceptionally cold days, clay can be heated to a higher temperature than other plasters. In addition, the warming clay heating surfaces are an experience for the senses.

Here we introduce you to the most important systems and name the key differences and characteristics, as well as the matching ClayTec clay plasters. ClayTec works with many suppliers of heating and cooling systems, and our sales representatives will be happy to help you choose the right system.

Please contact our technical service teams if you have any further questions.

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Application videos

In the ClayTec application videos, you will find helpful tips and tricks for working with our climate-friendly, circular and pollutant-free clay building materials. Our colleagues presented various clay building materials, from primers to clay blocks, in use. You can find more information about the wide range of ClayTec earth building materials on our YouTube channel. Our service team will be happy to help you with individual questions about your building project.

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At ClayTec, we regularly organize webinars on the topic of sustainable construction. You can find the recordings of past webinars here. In these, our technical manager Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Röhlen gives you an overview of the respective topic as well as helpful tips and tricks for processing our climate-friendly, circular and pollutant-free clay building materials. You can find more information about our wide range of products on our YouTube channel.

Upcoming webinar dates can be found on our events page.

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Bernd Volkenandt

Application videos

ClayTec clay building materials are very easy to work with. For professionals and private builders, […]

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