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Heavy clay block 2200

Heavy clay block 2200

Art.-Nr.: 07.021

Heavy moulded clay block of application class II for clad , weather-protected exterior masonry and any type of interior masonry. The heavy clay block 2200 is an unperforated solid block with high bulk density. It is suitable for load-bearing clay masonry and fulfils the compressive strength class 2 according to DIN 18945. With its rammed earth-like appearance, it can also be used for exposed masonry. ClayTec clay masonry mortar is hardly suitable as a mortar.

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ZertifikatTM 06 nach Dachverband Lehm
ZertifikatDIN 18945-47
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Heavy clay block 2200

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Heavy clay block 2200

Product information

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Field of application
Moulded clay block for load-bearing, cladding or otherwise structurally weather-protected exterior masonry and interior masonry.

Building clay.

Material properties
Mould-made clay block. Application class AK Ib. Compressive strength class 2. NF (normal format, dimensional ranges may be exceeded). Solid blocks. Raw density class 1.8 (raw density measured 1,650 kg/m3). Thermal conductivity 0.78 W/m∙K (interpolated). µ value
5/10. Building material class A1.

Supply form
Building clay and natural aggregate

Building material values
Solid brick, unperforated. Compressive strength class 2. Application class AK II. Bulk density class 2.2. thermal conductivity 1.3 W/m∙K. µ-value
5/10. Building material class A1. Format 2DF

Delivery form
Covered on pallets à 168 pcs, breakage ≤ 4%.

Store in a dry place. Unlimited storage is possible. Do not stack pallets.

Status: 03/2023

Heavy clay block 2200


Product sheet (Only available in German)
+49 2153 918 0
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