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Larch Triangular Battens

Larch Triangular Battens

Art.-Nr.: 00.050

Larch wood battens for the connection between masonry and timber-frame beams. The cross-section is sufficiently flexible and adaptable even for old irregular beams. The height corresponds exactly to the thickness of the compartment-terminating clay mortar joint. Larch wood is stable, durable and easily nailed.

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Larch Triangular Battens

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Larch Triangular Battens

Product information

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Field of application
Battens of resistant larch or oak wood for timber-frame restoration and monument preservation

Heartwood with right-angled triangular cross-section, rough sawn. Side length approx. 17 mm, base approx. 24 mm, Height (upstand in the joint) approx. 10 mm.

Supply form
Bundle of 12 battens. Length 2.0 m (also 1.0 m battens)

As of 05/2024

Larch Triangular Battens


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Larch Triangular Battens

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